It’s September which means festival season is over (boo, hiss!) and it also means that I really need to write about Whitby Folk Week.
Whitby is a beautiful place, I’d never been before although the team has, and there were plenty of spots with great teams overlooking the sea.
We were only there for half of the week but still managed to run three successful workshops, one of which was a face painting workshop. We were impressed at the skill of the dancers and a little envious of the standard of face painting, which some of us take years to get any good at!
Meanwhile, we managed to arrange a separate dance spot outside the museum with the wonderful Gog Magog molly dancers. I say ‘we’, the amazing and super-organised Helen from Gogs did all the hard work. Thanks Helen!
Finally, when in Whitby, you just have to get dressed up in a gothic fashion. So we did.
AGM tonight and then it’s teaching season so we’ll probably be a bit quiet for a while.