Christmas things

Another triumph at Nether Edge seasonally festive farmer’s market. The weather just about held off while we danced, though it was pretty miserable other than that. It’s amazing how a danceout manages to get most of us in a good mood, though.


Check out Bob’s classic Bob-face.

In other news, we had the extravagant annual Boggarts Christmas party, which gets better every year. The wayward Rich has returned from his travels, hopefully to stay. We are certainly pleased to have him back. So much so that we stuck things on his face.


And of course, in the end it all descended into silly dancing with spent crackers to the tunes in the wrong time signature. Bluejay in 5/4 was a particular favourite.


But back to business; no rest for the Boggarts. See us on Saturday at Heeley City Farm 11:30 and 12:30 and after that at Norton Farmers Market from 2:00-4:00. And this will probably be your last chance to get one of the last few 2015 calendars! They’ll definitely be gone after this, I reckon.